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Miura Boilers nearly a century of industry experience and over 140,000 units in operation worldwide. Not only does the company boast an impressive profile, but Miura also has an exceptional safety record — zero catastrophic vessel failures resulting in casualty. According to industry experts, some steam boilers are safer than others by design. Everyday safety … Continued

Safety is a crucial concern when it comes to industrial boilers. A sudden transition from water to steam can create an extremely dangerous situation, considering that a pound of steam takes up 1600 times the volume of a pound of water. The effects of pressure and temperature on the physical state of water is also … Continued

When it comes to boiler safety, reliability, and efficiency, nothing surpasses a Miura boiler. The LX and EX series Miura boilers feature designs that minimize carryover and produce 99+% dry saturated steam in less than 5 minutes from a cold start. Faster start-up means less fuel used, greater savings, and more responsible use of environmental … Continued

It is widely accepted in the boiler industry that watertube boilers are safer than firetube boilers by design. In a watertube boiler, a high volume of water is distributed amongst many small tube and the amount of water in the drum is relatively small. In the event that a watertube bursts, pressure vessel pressure is … Continued

The Koch Applied Solutions team is excited to announce its partnership with Schebler Chimney Systems. In business for well over a century, Schebler provides engineering and manufacturing expertise for applications requiring prefabricated chimney systems, heavy-wall engineered stacks, and grease duct systems. Specific areas in which Koch Applied Solutions will work with Schebler include engineered stacks and … Continued

Facilities that experience excessive heat or airborne particulate resulting from manufacturing processes must exhaust the hot and/or contaminated air to maintain optimal plant conditions. In order to avoid negative pressure and inhibited air flow, it is essential that an effective means for resupplying fresh air be integrated into a comprehensive air handling solution. Wing HS … Continued

Koch Applied Solutions is proud to partner with Dürr Systems, Inc., a leading innovator in clean technology systems. Dürr Ecopure® oxidizer systems offer a comprehensive range of oxidizer technology. Abatement solutions are available for everything from routine VOC, HAP and odor control to the treatment of exotic compounds like Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) and Ethylene … Continued

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