Dehumidification Systems Optimize Growing Conditions For Optimal Output

Marijuana Grow Room

As the U.S. Congress works out legislation to federally legalize marijuana, growers around the country are looking for ways to optimize production. Maintaining ideal humidity and temperature levels is essential for achieving optimal plant health. Growers are turning to cooling system experts to provide dependable equipment to help them maintain a stable growing environment.

In recent years, cooling and drying systems have been developed specifically for the optimization of marjuana growing conditions. Indoor farming technologies not only maximize yield, they also minimize mold and insect issues.

Koch Applied Solutions develops grow room dehumidification systems by working with industry-leading manufacturers of grow room dehumidification technology.

Grow Room Cooling and Humidity Control

Grow room dehumidification systems provide a single grow room solution in one packaged piece of equipment. Depending upon the size of the facility, packaged dehumidification systems not only provide greater energy efficiency, but also offer superior control for achieving the ideal room conditions for plants. This in turn saves grow facilities money, which they may reinvest into other areas of their operations.

ZeroCool Air-Cooled Systems

ZeroCool Systems is a US-based company with over 50 years of experience in the climate control industry, and six years of experience developing equipment specifically for the cannabis market. Zero Cool Systems offer a single-piece package that takes the place of multiple units, providing greater energy efficiency. Zero Cool equipment is engineered for “plug and play” installation for optimal simplicity, cost-efficiency, and time savings. 

  • Every unit is factory tested before shipment and delivered with a performance test report
  • Plug-and-play style units allow for simple and predictable installation
  • Units offer precise control of environmental conditions without auxiliary equipment
  • Complete system integration to maximize operational performance
  • Unique interface provides feedback to fine tune the grow application

STULZ Precision Cooling & Humidity Control

STULZ has worked with a leading medical cannabis grow facility to develop an advanced dehumidification system to promote healthy plant growth. STULZ systems feature deeper coils and are designed to drain pans, aiding in the removal of moisture from the grow space. Proprietary coil temperature control technology allows the system to lower the temperature of the coil to just above freezing for short periods of time, which rapidly reduces moisture content and inhibits the formation of white mold.

  • Ideal for medical cannabis grow rooms and vertical farming
  • Advanced control units maintain tight control of temperature and humidity
  • Sets coil temperatures low while reducing air-flow rate to maximize moisture removal
  • Prevents the formation of white mold and mildew
  • UV-C lighting eliminates micro pests

Koch Applied Solutions is your experienced source for grow room solutions. Contact us to discuss your project.

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